Saturday, December 5, 2009

Just Lost

I can't even look at her without smelling the aroma of sweet blood.
She could be wearing her Sunday best perfume and still the only scent that I would choose to acknowledge would be that of the blood that ran through the veins of the love of my life.

We were married for 1 year exactly the day he took my life away and cursed me with a new, colder one. Draven Harding is the name of my love.
What a unique name. A unique name that went along with a unique couple.
She and I were inseparable, and she didn't even care that we were living on a pizza guy salary.
We worked it out though. She was going to school to be zoologist and I was supporting her while working two jobs, a pizza man and a substitute teacher.
Draven always wanted me to go back to school and pursue a career in computers. At the age of 14, I built my first working computer. I told her after she was taken care of, I'd think about it.

She was my everything. Still is.
7:30 every night she eats dinner, alone and she cries as she stares at the empty seat across from her. I cry too. Then I grow angry because my tears aren't because I miss her, it's because I want to sink into her and drain her of every ounce of her blood and just feed on her.
So much pain. No one will ever know this pain that runs through me. The only one that I hope will one day be the victim of my rage because of the pain is him, the one that so viciously created a barrier between me and my soul mate.

It is now midnight, and I sit on old abandoned roof across from my old apartment and watch my Draven sleep.
I wasn't the only one that died that night in the woods, so did Draven Harding.
I saw her from afar during the funeral and I remember her saying, "You aren't dead. You're just lost"
I believe that to this day. I'm not dead, I'm just lost.

I'll make sure I didn't become this vile creature for nothing Draven. I promise. He will pay for what he did to you and I. You know I never break my promises.

I jump off the roof, and start where I remember last...the woods...where it happened.

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